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When the prodigal sons and daughters of our corrupt politicians could not get admission into any university or higher institution in other countries, they will be sent back to Nigeria and dumped (admitted) into our university. Let’s not talk about their conducts in school, because they set the standard they want for the school and not school for them by choosing when to attend lectures and still decide the type of result they want. They can do anything they like and get away with it. All it will cost them is “Do you know who my father is”? Why would they worry?
You will hear them saying “Why should I worry myself, jobs are there waiting for me.” The painful part of it is that, the lecturers who are in position to caution these fellows do worship them. They allow these children to become their lords just because they (the lecturers) want an important post or promotion in the institution. That is why you will see a medical doctor who does not know how to set cannula. I know you don’t believe it when you hear that a medical doctor forgot an object in a womb of a woman after CS. I was in a banking hall one day and I saw a young lady, a corps member, who cannot fill a mere form for her transaction. I was like, how this one take graduate biko nu eeh? How did she pass her exams in school? If not that Nigeria is so unlucky, why should she be such a dumping ground?

Patriotism is simply a feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizen who share the same sentiment. This attachment can be a combination of different feelings relating to one’s own land, including ethnicity, culture, politics or historical aspects. At this point, it’s clear that being patriotic is all about ones’ love for his or her country. But in Nigeria it’s different, even though she is blessed with whatever blessing you can think of, her so called husband has no reason or any right to neglect her, but the revise is the case. In Nigeria, the government that supposes to be the chief promoter of patriotism refuses to patronize Nigerian made goods.
 I cannot forget one Chinese man who taught me what patriotism is. Some time ago, at our line where we deal on truck tyres, this Chinese man came to buy tyre, he was going from shop to shop searching for tyre, and was rejecting all the tyres that were brought to him including Nigeria Dunlop, Nigeria Michelin which as that time were known as the best. Luckily for me, I had one china tyre then called Mashal radial. I called his attention to my store, because nobody knew the type of tyre he was looking for, after rejecting all the tyres that were brought to him which were known for their qualities then. So I decided to bring out all the brands of tyres that I had, in order to convince him. I asked him to make his choice; to my surprise he chose that mashal radial, the china tyre, I asked him, why mashal of all tyres? Because Chinese goods were known as fake products then. He said to me, “I don’t really care what the name of that tyre is as long as it’s china tyre. All I want is China. A china man should only buy chinese tyre or Chinese product.”
 With that scenario and the definition of patriotism, you will agree with me that Nigeria is really unlucky. If you are still in doubt, how can some of her own children and some of the children of her sisters that she took care of hate her so much and treat her like a stranger? They abandoned her religion which is UNITY, LOVE and CARE and embraced a strange religion that is HATE, LIES, DIVISION, GREED, and SELFISHNESS that gave birth to tribalism, wickedness, and barbarism which produces riot, looting, kidnapping, fraud, terrorism, and even some agitations.  Even those that hide under the names like Christianity and Islam makes no difference.  Let’s leave religion as topic for  another day.
Nigeria is a country that everybody complains about corruption, the poor blame the rich, while the rich blames the government officials. The blame becomes a speech and a game everybody knows how to present and play very well. At a time a presidential aspirant told the whole world that Nigeria is corrupt before he was elected as president. This President in question promised Nigerians that if he would be given a chance to preside over the country, one of his agenda would be to fight against corruption. And Nigerians yielded to his promise and voted him into power. But after he won the election, Nigerians became confused with what is happening in his government. You may be forced to ask, if this fight against corruption is still his agenda or slogan? My question still remains who is free from corruption or corrupt practices? Who care to define this corruption of a thing? What is corruption? How is corruption being practised? Because it is only when we are able to answer this questions that we can stop these blame games.
So what is corruption? Corruption can be defined as a dishonest or fraudulent conducts such as unscrupulousness, deceit, deception, duplicity, double dealing, fraud, fraudulence, misconduct, law breaking, crime, criminality, delinquency, wrong doing, bribery, in subornation, venality, graft, extortion, jobbery etc. Looking at this definition of corruption then I ask, who is free?  Who do we really need to blame? Does anybody who gives bribe to secure a job have any right to complain when another person in higher position hold, cease or deduct his or her salary? Do we really have the right to blame the police for every robbery that happens? When we cannot even allow them to conduct common stop and search properly by given them what we call tips and complaining of being delayed. If not that Nigeria is so unlucky, why would a civil servant who has not gone to work for more than one week in a month …………….
                           To be continue


  1. I doubt if Buhari and family eat local rice. Good job brother speak louder the ears on the wall must hear this.

  2. Good brother help by sharing it, they must hear. thank you so much


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