Emeka is a hard working man who deals on motor spare parts, a Christian by faith and catholic by denomination. Emeka , as early as 5:00 am he wakes up for morning devotion after that to morning mass. Then from morning mass to his store where he is well-known for buying and selling stolen motor spare parts and there are mechanics who do come to his shop with costumers and they will request for a lot of spare parts. Emeka will help the mechanic to convince the costumer to buy all that the mechanic requested for. The costumer now has no option than to pay the money and thereafter, the mechanic will return almost all the spare parts back to Emeka later in the day and they will share the money in proportion. Sometimes, if he returned few minutes to 12:00 noon he knows that he has to wait, because Emeka will soon start his noon Angelus and if it is by 3:00pm the same for divine mercy. He ( Emeka ) is the former C.M.O chairman, he doesn’t joke with night vigil even his daughters ...
social,politics,religion etc.