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When you look at likes of Dangote, Billgates, Puff daddy Snop dog  Flavour, phyno . Don jazzy, etc. You will agree with me that life is good and beautiful. How about some offices and their occupants? For example, the likes of MD NNPC, office of president, vice president, senate president, attorney general of federation, even G.O’s of some churches, C.E.Os of some group of companies etc. The wealth and power they control, you will agree with me that it is good to have a big dream. It is important to aim high, to have a big target. Come on! The pleasure, the joy and happiness, the importance, Should I also say the fulfillment some feel up there can only be wished and imagined. For there is no way you can test or experience it except you are there, and you can’t be there except you have made it to that top. How about medical doctors, academic doctors (PhD), Professors! When you hear something like I am barrister so so and so ooh my God! What of Officers with higher ranks like IGP, army generals, comptrollers of customs, immigration, prisons Waooh! sometimes just being a son, daughter, wife or husband, brother or sister, or even having any relationship with these names mentioned above settles  matter or should I say open doors. But after this what next?   
                    As a student, who know how important and sweet this life can be with these qualifications (Bsc,Msc and PhD)?. To achieve such qualifications some students are ready to do anything. Though some lecturers are wolves in sheep skin but let us be candid most of those lecturers that sold their souls to the devil in practicing sex for marks, was due to pressure from some of these students who are not ready to work hard in study or research which is why they are in school, but are ready to do any other thing to be at that top. They allowed themselves to be blinded with desire of being known and recognized against all odds. While some students hardly get enough sleep because they keep vigils at nights reading their text books, handout etc, sometime when you see them you may wonder if they are students or prison inmates. They will be totally lost to their books, not knowing what is happening around them, some have almost turn library into their hostel which is a great thing to do, but after all these what?  
                     Some young ones who did not have the opportunity to go to school find themselves in one type of apprenticeship or the other, and believe in making it either by hook or crook. There is a common adage “if fish did not swallow it fellow fish it will not grow” so for fish to swallow fish you have to be ready. I mean ready to do anything. You may hear them say something like “it does not matter how you arrived, just be their”. One day I sat close to some group of young boys and they were discussing about money, power, and fame. I don’t really pay attention to what they were saying but I turned to them when one of them beat his chest and said I am ready to do anything come rain come sun just to make it. And I ask him did you really mean whatever? He said yes sir whatever I am ready to do or give. I now asked him even your life? He was shocked and dump at this point for some seconds and he started shaking his head and say no no no that’s not what I meant sir. I discovered something that day because within my heart a thought kept coming to me, ‘’this is the very reason why so many up there are not happy in the quest of getting money, power etc’’. 
Many have thrown away the most precious thing they could ever have. Some have lost the meaning of life in a rush of getting what life can offer, and they replace it with get more, more, more, only to get there and they discovered that more is never enough. According to ‘’fada oluoma more is a curse’’. And once you have joined that train called at all cost, you have lost it from the very begging. Is it not true? that in a quest of having all the things this life can offer many have betrayed the very reason of their existence. Although for many, it is a normal thing to care only for themselves, they consider caring for others as a weakness. And that is the problem. Because you believe that whoever does not make it to that top is weak or have failed. In yourself imprisoned mentality you allow this monster called get it at all cost get hold of you, he has blinded you to the point that you see nothing else except yourself. As a young girl in university you are ready to party all weekends, you don’t worry about your lectures because you believe you can get it at all cost. Those men that tell and call you what you want to hear, how I wish you could hear what they call or take you to be? How I wish one of their sons will bring you home one day and say daddy this is the girl I want to marry. I am trying to imagine the looks on your face and what your so called sugar daddy will do.
Come! Young man, didn’t you know that you are responsible for the death of your late lovely wife who died through road accident? Let me remind you. It started when a bus driver noticed that his brake system is not functioning well, he take the bus to a mechanic who he trusted that knows how to repair brake system very well.  Mechanic checked and discover that the problem is from the brake pad, it has worn out. the driver go to nearby spare parts store and buy new brake pad, unfortunately for him the brake pad he bought  was that brake pad that very brake pad
                                                                            To continue                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


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