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For anybody to look into or attempt to answer this question, I think it is important first of all to know who is God. For most at times when we hear the sentence “THE LORD SAID “what always come to most minds is God. So who is this God we always believe or assume is speaking. Whatever you take or know God to be, know this also. God is a spirit being who has no beginning or end. He is the uncreated creator. He made all things came into existence and He was not made. The almighty; the most powerful, the master of universe, omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent God. For me he is a being who is far bigger than whatever you can think. And at the same time too smaller than whatever you can think of him. He is younger than the youngest, older than the oldest, the unknown knowing being, the mystery himself. He introduces himself as the consuming fire, the living water, I AM WHO I AM, the first and the last, the holy one. There was a saint who wants to understand the whole mystery of God. Because of this, He got into study, fasting and prayers seeking and asking both God and men questions so that he can understand fully the whole mystery of God or about God. But one day he saw in a trance where he was walking by the sea shore he met a very young boy who dug a small hole and going to and fro into the sea fetching water with a spoon emptying it into the small hole and he asked the small boy what are you doing? The boy replied, I want to fetch all the water in that ocean into this small hole that I dug with this spoon. He was mad at the boy’s foolishness and ignorance and he said to the boy stop at once! For you don’t know what you are doing. Then the boy turned to him and said, and you think you know what you are doing? Immediately the trance disappeared, he didn’t see the pictures again. With this and all you know about GOD, as I earlier said, God is more than whatever you can think of or know.   
        You can’t talk about the LORD SAID without first of all agreeing on whom and who the Lord is. So who is the Lord?  Put aside all you already know about judges, bishops, some high ranking individuals or people in higher positions or offices because of the power they have over their followers who addressed them as lords. The word lord can sometimes be ambition, lust, desire, deity, spiritual power or forces. What is lord: lord is an appellation for a person or deity who has authority, control or power over others, acting like master, chief or ruler. JESUS is the Lord. And the Lord said to me, did he? Yes THE LORD speaks but the question is which of lords is speaking. Is it the LORD or lords? For the fact that you agree with me that there are lords and there is LORD, all of them do speak. They have their agents and servants who they speak through. That’s what brought us to how do they speak?  The ear of the spirit in a mortal is the mind. It is through taught that you can hear the spirit be it the LORD or lords. They also speak through dreams, trance, and visions. Some lords can be consulted through divinity. Let us not talk or waste our time on who is the servant of the LORD, or servants of the lords. But let us look at the confusion in who speaks because once you hear the lord said actually someone or something is speaking. Most at times when lords speak, we assume that the Lord is talking.  Who are you hearing from, the LORD or lords? Who is speaking to you? Who do you want to hear from? When someone who is not faithful with his/her marriage, job, or profession, when his/her marriage crashes or loses his/her job, then they will start running around, let him/her know who he/she want to hear from.
         A Rv. father (fr) came to our parish and told us a true life story. In fact he told us that he knew the person in question. According to him, "There is a sister of mine who believes that enjoying life is to live a wayward, immoral life, jumping from one man to another. Everybody close to her advised her but to no avail. Until she got married, she continued in her old way of life, been unfaithful to her man and marriage. To the point that her husband called the Rev father himself and complained to him about his sister’s behavior in so many occasions. He called his sister, talked to her but she refused to change until her marriage crashed due to her character. So she went on with her life after so many years, when she discovered that age is no longer on her side and men no longer come her way as usual, she started running around for prayers". 
            "The Rv. father said that one day he was in his office and his phone rang, he picked and it was his sister on the phone. She requested for an appointment and he granted her request. On the day she came she started by telling him how prayerful she has become. She told him how she has been going round meeting so many powerful men of God who have been helping her to pray. On why she visited, she said I want to reconcile with my husband and children. She explained that she has been praying about it and the lord told them that the reason why her marriage crashed is because of their ancestral foundation, the evil tree in their compound/family house. That the lord said, for her to bring the marriage back and for their family to move forward, they need family deliverance."  As I was listening to the Rv. Fr so many questions came to my mind, how can somebody say that a family that produced a pharmacist, a lawyer and a Catholic priest is not doing well? Yes it is possible, they may need family deliverance, there may be ancestral curse in their family but is that the reason why that marriage crashed? And the lord said, did he?   
    To that young man who is staying late at night as a way of life, who made beer parlor more comfortable than his home, who don’t know the difference between working hours and family time, spending more than your income on expensive wears and luxury life just to be acceptable or please the public and over looking or neglecting your responsibilities at home, is the lord not talking to you?
                                                                                                                         TO BE CONTINUE…………….      


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