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Confusion in Africa
One of the greatest problems we face in Africa is FAITH, BELIEF and RELIGION. In the nature – CURIOSITY - of an African man or woman, they always want to know everything. For an African man, nothing just happens. Everything that happened must have a reason, a cause, including death. 0f course, yes, nothing happens without a reason. So to some, when they lose their loved ones, they will go to find out what happened or what force is behind it. When a young girl or a lady who is of marital age and the marriage is not forthcoming, she will start running from one place of worship to another to find out why. To a young boy or man who has gone to school and is a graduate. When he starts looking for a job after one or more years and it is not coming he will reduce his effort in searching for the job and start running from one place of worship to another to find out why. Or should I blame a couple who got married for years without the fruit of womb when they start running from pillar to post just to have one? How about the young ones after undergoing training as an apprentice of one skilled work or the other; some as traders and they discover that job or business is not moving as it should and decides to consult unknown powers. Some parents after years of toiling and labouring to train their children to make sure they have a brighter future and only see the opposite, they go all out to find out what is actually wrong.
To some couples the six or more children they had are all females and no male child, will you still blame them when they start running around to ask why? What of those parents whom God bless with children both male and female but suddenly one goes blind or crippled or deaf and dumb? Even husband and wife who have crisis in their marriage do go to find out what is wrong with their marriage. There are people who their loved ones have been in the hospital for long, they spend almost all their earnings and yet no good result. To some, things were moving on well for them and all of a sudden everything crashed down. The money lender has become a borrower. Untimely death, in a family were almost every member of the family is getting involved in accident, a particular aliment has become the order of the day why won’t they go and find out what is wrong? Yes they are supposed to go and find out why? And my question is this. How, where and when? E.g. when your car develops a fault you take it to mechanic, your roof starts leaking you call a carpenter, to some people in Africa it is a different thing. Because of the mistake the white men made by been ignorant of the devil and all his/her demons, the black Africans noticed it, and in their quest to correct it, they made the worst and more dangerous mistake of knowing devil and all his/her demons and agent. This is why the white man doesn’t notice devil and all his/her agent in everything they do. That is why you don’t hear them talking about deliverance or blaming the devil the way we do here in Africa. They don’t celebrate spiritual gift the way we do. There, nobody will come to your house and take over your wife or husband in the name of daddy G.O, Apostle, man of God or prophet etc.

Faith, religion and belief
The Whiteman celebrates talents, hard work, exceptional exploit, adventurers etc. Over there, somebody will decide to climb to the top of the highest mountain and if he or she succeeds, he/she will be celebrated, the divers will dive into the deepest sea and be celebrated, and the name Nigeria is also a product of such adventure. Yet, Africans did not see this side of Whiteman; they only focused on that particular mistake of the white man without knowing they (Africans) have made the worst one. The devil been a spirit knew that the black African man has lost it. He decided to deal with them (Africans). In doing so the devil made sure Africans see him in everything they do or happens to them. When a thief is caught, he will blame devil. At night rats and other creeping animals can no longer go hunting without somebody testifying in a church how he or she could not sleep last night because of the noise the demons were making in his house. Catch an adulterous man or woman they will blame the devil. It is in African Churches that you will hear the spirit of headache, fever, sleeplessness, and HIV/AIDS. How can somebody be sick and his/her man of God will tell them don’t go to hospital, why? The one I witnessed and still angry about it, is still there. The young man entered the house and started prayers, sensing that I am a stranger he began prophesying, saying AND THE LORD SAID TO ME ….. The Lord said to me …., the only question that came to my mind was DID HE?
Come with me let us look into these things, people are dying every day, and great spiritual rubbery is going on. Just as the holy book says, “Come let us reason together” let all of us find out why together…….TO BE CONTINUED


  1. The words of every man who posses as a prophet become the voice of God to many these days. Bro it takes spiritual dogged man to see through the prophesies of our today's pastors.


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